Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oracle Enterprise Gateway ( Installation Steps on Linux 64 bit

Oracle Enterprise Gateway (OEG) is an gateway product under Oracle Identity Management offered by Oracle to simplify and secure SOA deployment across domain boundaries or in the cloud.
I am uploading the steps to install OEG on non-clustered enviroment on RHEL 64 bits.
Kindly download the guide from the below URL 
Please get back to me in case you face any issue with the installation of OEG.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

HTTP_Server status is Stop. Not able to restart it.

Topic: HTTP_Server status is Stop. Not able to restart it.

Description: HTTP_Server was not getting stop and was throwing error “$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl hardstop: httpd (no pid file) not running” in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/HTTP_Server~1.log


1. opmnctl status
2. find the pid of HTTP_Server from step 1 output
3. kill -9 pid_of_HTTP_Server
4. opmnctl status (HTTP_Server will automatically come up. In case status is DOWN, execute opmnctl startall process-type=HTTP_Server)

opmnctl startall command fails with error "Read-only file system"

On working with SOA Suite 10g on LINUX environment, I faced an error while trying to execute "opmnctl startall" command. Below error was thrown.

-bash-3.2$ ./opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
OPMN log file open failed: /apps/oracle/soa/opmn/logs/opmn.log (Read-only file system)
opmnctl: opmn start failed.

This is a LINUX issue. The permission on mount point "/apps/oracle" changed to "ro" from "rw".
Linux command "cat /proc/mounts" can be used to find out the current permission on mount point. The issue got resolved once the permission was reverted to "rw".

Monday, July 9, 2012

opmnctl command hang or does not respond back on linux

I have faced issue on LINUX machine where I was not able to run opmnctl commands such as opmnctl status, opmnctl startall, opmnctl stopall etc.
Each time I run any opmnctl command it gets hang and does not respond back.
On analysis I found that there were orphan opmnctl command which were blocking the new opmnctl commands execution.
Using ps (ps -ef | grep opmn/bin) command, I find out the process ID of the opmnctl commands and killed them using linux kill command. 
On killing the opmnctl processes, the opmnctl commands started working. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

After Oracle DB upgrade from 10g to 11g, Oracle BAM Active Data Cache Service cannot be started. It throws "ORA-1017: invalid username/password; logon denied" error

Cause: Database was upgraded to Oracle 11g in which passwords are case sensitive while in 10g passwords were not case sensitive.
The issue was because we were having 10g ODP.NET at our BAM machine instead of 11g. Whenever we send the passwords using 10g ODP.NET ,it converts them into all upper cases and send it to 11g DB thus resulting in "ORA-1017: invalid username/password; logon denied" error when we try to start active data cache service.
Resolution: There are multiple resolutions for this issue
1.       Upgrade ODP.NET to 11g
2.       Change the password such that each character is in upper case
3.       Set SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON to FALSE so that on 11g database password become insensitive

Friday, February 10, 2012

ORABPEL-12137 - Error while creating Queue producer:

Error Message:

Error Invoking BAM JMS Adapter:

ESB Dispatch failed with error An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: esb:///ESB_Projects/ESB_BAMJMSProducer/BAMJMSProducer.wsdl [ Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(AuditLog) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Produce_Message' failed due to: ERRJMS_ERR_CR_QUEUE_PROD.
Error while creating Queue producer:.
; nested exception is:
Error while creating Queue producer:.
Please examine the log file to determine the problem.


In my case required queue was missing. So I created the queue and it started working. I also suggest to verify from your oc4j-ra.xml that the adapter JNDI entries are correct.